Homeownership Counseling
Homeownership Assistance
- Down Payment Assistance programs active in the Town of Mammoth Lakes and Mono County (various funding sources including: PHLA, CalHome, HOME, CDBG)
- Land Trust Below Market Rate Ownership
Home Rehabilitation

Legal Aid Office Hours (remote)
Legal aid office hours are Tuesday’s from 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM. It is not necessary, but we recommend calling our office in advance to schedule an appointment.
Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Construction Loans
We offer low-interest construction loans for the construction of ADUs throughout Mono County.
Rental Counseling and Homelessness Prevention
Rental counseling includes providing clients with housing resources as well as one-on-one case management in the search for stable, affordable housing. This includes an in-take process with an assessment of tenant’s rights/legal needs, and the development of a Client Action Plan. Rental counselors are able to enter clients in the Coordinated Entry System for homelessness programs, and assist clients in the navigation of complicated housing options. This includes understanding affordable rental rates for their income level, budgeting, additional community support linkages (food, health, etc.) and employment searches. Our counselors also provide direct referrals to a variety of other resources in the region.
Fair Housing Resources
Community Emergency Support