Grand Jurors are volunteer officers of the Court but work as an independent body. A Grand Jury works to ensure that the best interests of all citizens of the county are being served by governmental bodies.
The Grand Jury’s role has its basis in the U.S. Constitution (Fifth Amendment), in the California State Constitution (Article 1, Section B), and in numerous statutes of the State of California. It functions as an arm of the judicial branch of government, and at the local level, operates under the authority of the Superior Court. The Court appoints citizens to the Grand Jury, formally charges its members with duties and responsibilities established by law, and guides the Grand Jury during its term. To learn more about the Grand Jury visit:
During the 2020-2021 term, the Mono County Grand Jury investigated workforce housing. You can read the full report here:
If you’d like to volunteer for the Mono County Grand Jury visit the Superior Court’s website and apply today!